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Shale Shaker Screen| Shandong Accuz Metal Products Co., Ltd

Seller: Accuz Metal Products Co., Ltd

Shale Shaker Screen
Shale shakers are devices that remove drill cuttings from the drilling fluid that is used for boring holes into the earth. Controlling the solids in drilling fluid is an important component of the cost of drilling, so research into improved shaker design is ongoing.

Shale shakers typically consist of large, flat sheets of wire mesh screens or sieves of various mesh sizes that shake or vibrate the drill cuttings, commonly shale, across and off of the screens as the drilling fluid (mud) flows through them and back into the drilling fluid system. This separates the solid drill cuttings from the fluid so that it can be recirculated back down the wellbore. In oilfield industry, linear motion shale shakers are widely used.

Screen panels play a major role by removing particles larger than the mesh size. Screen selection is critical since shaking is the primary stage in the removal of solids. Improper screen selection can lead to de-blinding, loss of drilling fluids, premature pump part failures, overloading of other solids removal equipment within the mud systems, decreased service life , reduced flow rate capacity, and serious problems in the wellbore.

Hookstrip flat screensPyramid screens

Steel frame screensHookstrip soft screens